Herb Music

Genre: Experimental Deathcore

Herb Music
5 albums
Artist name Album title Genres Rating Votes
preview Disfiguring the Goddess preview Disfiguring the Goddess (2009) collection wish list Brutal Death Metal, Experimental Deathcore - 0
preview Disfiguring the Goddess preview Circle of Nine (2011) collection wish list Brutal Death Metal, Experimental Deathcore - 0
preview Disfiguring the Goddess preview Sleeper (2012) [EP] collection wish list Brutal Death Metal, Experimental Deathcore - 0
preview Soreption preview Engineering the Void (2014) collection wish list Progressive Death Metal, Brutal Death Metal, Experimental Deathcore - 0
preview Iwrestledabearonce preview Hail Mary (2015) collection wish list Experimental Deathcore - 0
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Give Them Rope
rating : –
Info / Statistics
Artists : 5,264
Albums : 40,288
Reviews : 627
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Top Rating
rating : 90   votes : 2
rating : 100   votes : 2
rating : 90   votes : 1
rating : 95   votes : 1